




Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Can I ask if you are married?

I have a big family. (うちは大家族です)
I come from a family of four. (4人家族です)
I'm an only child. (ひとりっ子です)
I have a sister and two brothers.
My youngest sister is 20 and go to the college.
I'm married and have two daughters.

My parents were both working full-time.
I was raised by a single mother.
I had a verry happy childhood.

My father is already retired.
My parents are both pensioners.
I lost my father to cancer.
I'm concerned about my aging parents.
My parents were very strict about manners.
My parents were always arguing.
I'm grateful to my parents.

My parents are always happy to see their grandchildren.
I have mixed feelings toward my stepfather.
My mother-in-law is stern with me.
I get along with my wife's parents.

I'm from an old-fashioned Japanese family.

 cousin   いとこ
 niece   姪
 nephew   甥
 uncle   叔父
 aunt    叔母
 grandfather/granpa 祖父/おじいちゃん
 grandmother/granma 祖母/おばあちゃん
 grandchild    孫
 stepfather    義父
 stepmother    義母



I live in Chiba Prefecture. (千葉県に住んでいます)
I live in the west end of Tokyo.
I live on the Chuo Line.
I live on the Main Street.
I used to live in China.
I've lived in NY for three years.

I live in a two-story wooden house by the sea.
I live in an apartment.
The nearest station is Yokohama.
It's only a three-minute walk from the station.

I live with my parents.
I live by myself.
(一人暮らしをしています。 *I live alone.よりポピュラーな言い方)
It's in a nice neighborhood.
 (環境のいいところに(家が)あります。/it=my home)
It used to be quite a safe area.
It's in the middle of nowhere.

I grew up in the countryside.
 (田舎で育ちました)▼大都会は、large city.
I left home when I entered college.
I had to transfer every few years because of my father's job.