



最初に司会のアズーズが言うセリフがとても良かったです。それは、"Fridays are still awesome just maybe a little less so. Thanks coronavirus.”(金曜日のCNNだったので)


set the record straight ・・・誤解を解く、誤解をはっきりさせる、事実をはっきりさせる(ビジネスでも使われるフレーズ)

protective masks ・・・防護マスク

go through  ・・・(口語)〈蓄え・食料・金など〉を使い果たす; 〈靴など〉を使いつぶす 《★受身可》.

 例:Providence St. Joseph Health is a system of more than 50 hospitals. Together they use about 250,000 protective masks every year. Because of coronavirus, a single hospital in that system has gone through that same amount of masks in three months.

 例:go through a pair of shoes in three months 3か月に 1 足はきつぶす(Weblioより)

respiratory disease ・・・呼吸器疾患
ventilators ・・・呼吸器
 cf:mechanical ventilator 人口呼吸器
health facilities ・・・医療施設

 例:Health facilities that can afford it are also ordering more ventilators to help people with serious cases of the respiratory disease.

be deathly ill ・・・死の病にかかってる

 例:the misinformation could make people deathly ill.

Some people on social media ・・・ソーシャルメディアで、~する人もいる。

 例:Some people on social media have claimed that taking illegal drugs or even drinking bleach could kill the disease.

Cf: spend time on social media/promote ~ on social media/advertise on social media/hashtag on social media/

a flow of (misinformation)・・・~の流れ、一連の~

 例:There`s a flow of misinformation online about the virus
 例:a flow of conversation

Social media is a major driver in the spread of falsehoods.

are shared and reshared 

go viral ・・・ 〈インターネットやSNSで情報が〉頻繁に共有される

 例:something going viral online

 例:My blog post went viral. (私のブログ投稿が広まった)

cf:A viral tweet recently highlighted the difference between A and B. 



 例:stopping a biological viral outbreak in the real world


in the wake of ・・・ 1.~にすぐ続いて、~の後を追って 2.~の結果(として)、~があった[起こった・分かった]今[この時点で]

 例:in the wake of a disaster (災害が起こったすぐ後で)

taking new approaches to tackle the problem.

Another area of misinformation is fake cures and remedies. Some are harmless like drinking garlic water or basic herbal tonics but others are dangerous.

(be) a fertile ground for ~ ・・・ ~の格好の材料を提供する/~にとって肥沃[豊か]な土壌である

 例:It`s absolutely a -- a fertile ground for anyone who wants to disrupt a -- an already disruptive situation for natural reasons.

taking this infodemic seriously

flag  動詞 ~に旗で信号を出す、~を合図で停止させる、注意[警告]を与える

 例:to flag and take down bad information

provoking questioning and doubt

provoke = ~を引き起こす、招く、起こさせる、誘発する/を怒らせる、立腹させる(provoke you)/~をじらす、挑発する、挑発[刺激]して~させる、~の気を引こうとする