


Check, please.
May I have the check, please?
Could I have the check, please?

Could you make one check, please?
Separate checks, please.
Could you give us separate checks, please?
Can we get separate checks?

I'd like to pay by credit card.
Do you take/accept VISA?

I'll pay this in cash.
I'll pay by credit card.
I'll pay this with my card.
I'll pay it with plastic.

 ◆Cash or charge?(現金ですか、カードですか?)と聞かれたら、
 Charge it./I'll charge it./Put it on a charge.(カードです)などでOK。

There's a mistake in the bill.
I think this total is wrong.
I'm afraid the check is not correct.
Does this check include a tip?
I think you gave me the wrong change.

It's my treat.
It's on me.
Let's go Dutch.
Let me pay my share.
How much is my share?